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Fool me once shame on you
Fool me 307 times you must be a suitcase on the baggage carousel that looks like mine.
As I was going through my wallet for a second I thought I got robbed… And then I remembered I got gas.
“Food expiration dates are lies. It’s all about control.” My knife breaks as I cut into a plate of milk. “I’m saving this for later.”
WIFE: so what do you want for christmas?
ME: [thinking about a bed made out of lasagna and instead of kicking off the sheets at night i eat a layer of noodles] oh probably some tools
Only a mother’s love …
Me: Do you like my new negligé?
Him: Are you wearing bubble wrap?
Me: You said put something on that would keep you occupied for hours.
“I’m a very private person” – people who are on back to back reality shows
Brain: Walk up to her and offer her a drink.
Brain: Can you actually hear me?
BARISTA: Thanks for coming. Enjoy your coffee!
ME: Thanks. You too!
BARISTA: You too? Oh no. Not again.
*pours ninth cup of coffee for the day and drinks it while excitedly sobbing
My fitness instructer keeps asking if I squat.
No Gary..I rent. I’m not a hobo.
I wasn’t trying to put you on a pedestal. I was trying to bend you over it.
If I don’t see two minivans lock reindeer antlers over a Target parking space tonight, what are the holidays even about?
Why is it called an everything bagel and not a bagall.
I read my daughter a book about a Frogapotamus last night and dreamt of riding one. Tonight I’m reading her Hugh Jackman’s autobiography.
Lord, grant me the temerity to demand others change the things I cannot change, blindness to the things I can, and narcissism to do it all on Twitter.
I planted all the evidence for evolution once it became clear it did not serve the best interest of My reputation to take credit for you.
me: *falls down stairs*
kind stranger: oh, you poor thing!
me: *tears in my eyes* why did you have to bring my finances into this
I jump from the skyscraper’s ledge, performing 3 graceful somersault, right into the arms of a hot firefighter. Neither of us survive impact
Told a girl she’s more attractive when she’s not wearing glasses and she said I’m also more attractive when she’s not wearing glasses.
My main goal in life is to become a cooking show judge
Mostly because I like to criticize people while I eat
What can you do when your in-laws give uncomfortably long hugs while greeting you?
Search their pockets. You might want to ask if they’re carrying anything sharp like knives or needles.
I know that now.
Not saying the service in a café yesterday was slow, but on the back of the menu it said they opened in 1874, and there was a picture of me ordering my cup of tea
leatherface: cmon, we’re gonna be late!
pinhead: *putting in one pin at a time* this doesn’t just HAPPEN you know
leatherface: you look fine
Last Christmas, I gave you my heart, the very next day you told me you’re gay….
[frog-condom sales meeting]
frog 1: our numbers are down, how can we make the condom more enjoyable for our customers?
frog 2: rib it
frog 1: Andrew, you’re a goddamn genius
u know that video of lions hugging that man after seeing him for the first time in several years. that’s what the raccoons do whenever i visit the dumpster behind my college dorm
I told someone that I’d be happy to set up a meeting with them at their convenience and they scheduled it for 4 o’clock on a Friday so I reported them to HR
Wait a minute…
It’s difficult having a 12 year old, a 10 year old and a 7 year old. I can’t decide which to drink.