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whoever decided how to spell camouflage is a terrible terrible person
My dog learned how to text
They say if you see something, say something. Of course they’ll tell you to go be crazy somewhere else, but still.
My birth announcement for our third baby
I had to work all night but I can’t wait until my girlfriend hears her new La Cucaracha car horn
Egyptians don’t walk like that.
Me: [sweating bullets] um will these work
Soldier: [amazed] you son of a gun
Stranger at public charging station: Did you just unplug my phone?
Me: Yours is at 40 percent and mine is at 5 percent. I invoked triage rules.
They make you fear empty nest syndrome as if you’ll never realize the joy in losing 5 loads of laundry.
Have I done my taxes? No. Have I sent myself an email with the subject line “DO TAXES”? Yes, and that is half the battle.
I prefer to think that my proclivity to road rage has enriched my kids vocabularies rather than warped their tiny little minds.
me: i’m in love with you
therapist: *buzzes secretary* cancel my 10 o’clock
me: but I’m your 10 o’clock
Apparently, RSVPing to a wedding invitation with “maybe next time” is wrong.
I know that now…
If I’m guilty of anything, it’s caring too much. And shoplifting
Me munching on an apple: Why is it every time I go to the theater I get stuck behind the lady with the fruit hat?
Why isn’t there a roomba that cuts grass? Probably some stupid law about sending a blade wielding robot out into the neighborhood.
Me at work: I miss my little angels-my favorite little ppl on this planet
Me after an hour of being home: these kids are the spawn of satan
I hope this email finds you in a well
Start out each day with a healthy serving of ants. Which is no ants. Don’t put ants in your mouth
HUSBAND: Can you hand me the salad spinner?
ME: Give me a second, I need to finish drying my panties first.
Most people quit when their ahead
Then there’s me
[repeating myself louder in the haunted house attraction] did the dracula throw water on anyone else’s pants??
Me: *applying flea treatment* Good boy
Cat: Meow {you’ve made a powerful enemy today}
M: Nearly done now
C: Meow! {oh I’m deffo gonna shit in your shoe}
M: All finished
C: MEOW {and I think a bird’s head in your bed, too}
M: Aw, I love you too, Mr Tiddles
Sometimes I wake up grumpy; other times I let her sleep…….
People who can get up to pee in the middle of the night and fall right back to sleep, explain yourselves.
Mechanic: Your car’s got a flat
Me: It’s called a garage
“Good parenting isn’t giving your kid everything she needs, but giving her the tools to get it for herself” I say, handing my 6yo a crossbow
I feel like Google doesn’t really work anymore.
That is the biggest doily I have ever seen.
So, when people say “LOLZ”, does that mean they laughed themselves to sleep?