Facebook: Hey remember this pic of your dog that died?
Me: Damnit Facebook not now.
FB: Sorry…
FB: Your ex girlfriend is getting married.![]()
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Him: Take off your socks. They don’t belong in bed.
Me: My socks are off, though.
Him: I meant the sock puppets on your hands.
Right sock puppet: Well, you’re no fun.
Left sock puppet: *blows raspberries*
Oh, your kids sit down and eat dinner? That’s cool. Mine perform interpretive dance in the kitchen while their food gets cold.
My doctor said avocados help with depression but so far it’s just sitting there on my counter doing nothing.
Me: I’m 29, I’m not that old! I have my whole life ahead of me.
Me around a 20 year old: I am the grim spectre of death. I have seen empires rise and fall like the endless shifting dunes. Time has no meaning.
Reached the stage of parenting where I just found a garlic press in the shower and I didn’t even want to ask why.
I always weigh myself before I get in the shower so the water droplets don’t add additional weight. I also suck in my stomach before I get on the scale. That seems to help.
It’s true. Losing one sense enhances others.
For example, you lost your sense of humor but your sense of entitlement is through the roof.
According to my chocolate advent calendar tomorrow is Christmas
ME: It’s a pretty open and shut case, Chief
CHIEF: For the last time, stop admiring the luggage the victim was found in and take a DNA sample
[band rehearsal]
Lead singer: Are you just going to stand there holding that fruit? Where’s your tambourine?
Me: [looks down at tangerine] I may have misunderstood.
My cuz stole some money, landed in jail, wanted to fight everyone and threatened to shoot people, so that was the end of our Monopoly game.
Cashier: Hello
Me: Is it me your looking for… I can see it in your eyes..
Me: Sorry, this is my first rap battle.
According to Facebook, 78% of girls I went to high school with now own their own photography business.
She was rare, like a Billie Eilish song I can actually hear at normal volume.
Stop screaming. Lots of people rub their eyes with toes.
My boss gave me an assignment and told me to “give it the old college try”, so now I’m skipping class and doing a keg stand.
Scully: that fish sandwich from lunch isnt sitting right.
Mulder: (tosses a file down on the desk) Ever hear of the Tummy Ache Ghost?
[Inside every wolf]
Me: Hey.
Me: Oh, hey.
Her: Whats that mouth do boo?
Me: Probably say something stupid.
[gets anchor tattoo removed]
Oh dear
[slowly floats towards the sun]
Ok I’ll bite, what is elon musk
We’ve been sending transmissions into space for 100 years, so of course aliens avoid us. Earth is the douchebag at the beach blasting music on their bluetooth radio.
Son: the tooth fairy didn’t leave me any money
Me, forgetting he put a tooth under his pillow because I was up playing Fortnite until 4am: yeah I’m afraid she died
If you’re boarding first, dress casually. It’s no good unless everyone at the gate is surprised.
Nutritionalist: you should eat 2,000 calories a day
Me: ok, how many at night?
[ alone in a dark cemetery ]
me: marco
wife [text] I’m so proud of you for sticking to your diet
me [can’t respond because there’s powdered donut on my fingers]
I wanna see a video where professional dancers break out into nursing.
[arrives at party]
ME: This was a good idea.
*30 seconds later*
MY WILL TO LIVE: I’m gonna go wait in the car.