going from an agency to a company that cares about you is crazy because my boss said “please don’t apologize for having spinal surgery” and i was like “are you sure”
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I have a great story to tell u.
“Why don’t u just go write a book”
Wow, that’s-
“Don’t u dare say it-”
a novel idea.
“I’m moving out”
Guy – “Hey are you famous?”
Me – “No.”
Guy – “Oh you look like this comedian.”
Me – “I don’t speak English.”
Guy – “Oh! Where are you from?”
Me – “The Ukraine.”
Guy – “My father is Ukrainian.”
Me – “Oh, then I’m from Spain.”
A relationship should be 50/50.
50% man
50% bear
50% pig
“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself, and being tagged in a super unflattering photo.”
This is the greatest Twitter thread ever
This total stranger wanted to have a spontaneous tickle fight on the street and…oh…nope, never mind I’m being robbed. Guys I’m being rob
CEOs are in danger, we need to put all of them in a submarine until we know it’s safe
The year is 3250 and scientists were able to extract the data from an old cell phone, dated around 2022, that they found in an archeological dig. They came to the conclusion that humans didn’t used to own clothes judging by all the naked pictures found in this phone.
Get pissed all you want but if we brought a screaming baby into your workplace you would ask us to leave it outside too.
One time I put the burnt side of a grilled cheese face down on my child’s plate and almost got away with it.
Someone accused me of being a coke addict and I was like oh my gosh thank you for thinking I have money
*hears Christmas carolers*
Alexa, turn the sprinklers on.
A horror movie but the killer wears flip flops so there’s an ominous “thwip thwip” sound as he hunts you down.
Trying to impress the doctor by telling her I don’t need a prescription to get Xanax.
no wonder people are such suckers for pyramid schemes because grade school taught us that if you sold $200 worth of stuff you’d get a free jump rope and we just thought that was the best deal
I schedule my tweets pretty far out in advance, so I might not be funny now, but I’ve got a banger coming in August of 2037.
Things I can’t tell if missus saying to me or animals.
Food is ready.
Don’t lick that.
Don’t hump that.
Stop growling.
I love you.
Put your penis away.
Get back here.
Don’t eat that.
Get out.
Come here.
What are you doing with my underwear?
Don’t bite.
me: Why aren’t you wearing pants?
toddler: I can see better without them
I was thirty five years old before I realized that a hamlet wasn’t an omelette with ham.
if you wear a bikini top instead of a bra you can go out with wet hair & people will think you just went swimming which is athletic not lazy
My kid at 8am: Mommy!
Me: Yes, my love?My kid at 8pm: Mommy!
At the self checkout I make small talk with myself and I wish I would just shut up
judge: please, rephrase the question
yoda lawyer:
Things that made my toddler cry this week:
– I wouldn’t let the dog drive him to daycare
– the bath was “too wet”
– he wanted syrup for breakfast…just syrup
– his sister “keeps looking at him”
– he wants shoes like his friend Jacob (there is no Jacob)How about your kid?
This day in history. 1940. Carbon-14 was discovered, allowing us to estimate the age of organic materials such as wood, leather, and Cher.
Hubs left his Amazon account open on the laptop and I swear to God if I’m getting a lawnmower for Mother’s Day there will be bloodshed.
Me: Is it just me…
Everyone: Yes. GOD, YES!
Me: I hadn’t actually finished my question 🙁
I’ve seen the bass pro shop guy naked more than I have myself.
Why is a good book described as a real page turner?
That’s my minimum requirement in a book
Pages that turn
genie: wishes should be limited
monkeys paw: and come with consequences
shooting star: don’t forget rare
birthday candle: yeah and secret
dandelion: ok you guys need to relax