“Hi I’m returning this book, and before you say anything, it was checked out to me like this.”
“It was checked out to you wet?”
“In that case I commend you on managing to not let it dry out over the past two weeks and can I ask for your hydration regimen?”![]()
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ME: thanks for “showing me the ropes” lol
SAILING INSTRUCTOR: you’re not even making a joke sailing is literally where that comes from
Just discovered that my 5yo thinks the lyrics are “apple button jeans, boots with the brrr” and then he does a little shiver
[God creating teenagers]
What’s the most expensive way to be ignored?
*rubs lamp*
*genie comes out*
You get 3 wishes. Just no wishing for more wishes.
“I wish for more genies.”
I SAID NO WI- oooh, you’re good.
Concussions are like pineapples: what was the question.
[kid, about to do something stupid]
ME: [sitting on couch] Anyone who gets hurt isn’t getting medical care until tomorrow.
I hate it when I’m cleaning the house and suddenly find a bowl of ice cream in my lap and my soap opera on.
Thinking about becoming a yak farmer, gonna run this by the HOA
Me: I have a headache.
WebMD: and it will be your last.
THEM: Hey–
ME: Ring ring. I gotta take this.
THEM: I just watched you say “ring ring.”
ME: Ring ring. Yeah, this is really important.
My 3yo made up a song called My Mommy Makes Me Happy When She Gives Me Snacks then asked me for a snack. She’s really good at this.
All dates are ‘blind dates.’
The biological structure of fruit plants do not allow eye growth, therefore rendering them incapable of sight.
Burning rubber…
While driving a race car: Good
While using a condom: Bad
“Weltengesichtpfeifenschuldigung” is the German word for “accepting as a fact something you’ve just been told without bothering to check”.
They call it “childbirth” lest anyone think that women give birth to adults or kangaroos.
“Hi, I’m Rob Thomas for the Organ Donor Association. Give me your heart, make it real or else forget about it.”
I wasn’t agreeing, I was nodding off.
Hypnotist: you’re getting very sleepy
Me, at any hour of the day: how did you know?
Accidentally opened the Facebook app and now I’m in three pyramid schemes.
Nothing prepares you for the day your adult son starts sharing sexual jokes in the family group text.
The dark side of Canada
He’s been in and out of rehab for 15 years, has had multiple run-ins with the law, eats human flesh and never sleeps. Women: I’ll fix him.
Meet Couples Who Stay Together Because They Need Help Holding an Invisible Sandwich
Him: What the hell is a palindrome?
Me: No, it’s not
Met my boyfriend on eharmony, also eharmony is the nickname I gave this vending machine, meet my sandwich
JOB INTERVIEWER: it says here ur a postmodern deconstructivist…?
ME: did ur parents realy name u ‘Job’? especialy with a last name like urs?
them: our youngest is 73 months.
me: what’s that in human people years
My 5yo didn’t wanna get in the bath last night so I told her it was filled with birthday water and this was her only chance to experience it until her next bday and I’ve never seen her get in the bath faster. Now if you don’t mind, I’m gonna ride this parenting high for a bit.
{Being rescued after 2 years on a deserted island}
HER: So, how did yo-
ME: I don’t know how I gained weight.
With me, it’s not PRIDE that comes before a fall. It’s half a bottle of vodka and a coffee table that I forgot existed.