I babysat for my neighbors last night. When they got home, there were dirty cups everywhere, the ice cream was melted and there was red nail polish on the velvet sofa. On the plus side, the kids never woke up.
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Me: * you’re
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Afghanistan is just a regular ghanistan that’s ghanistan af.
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hide the Elf on the Shelf while you’re drunk so it can be a searching game for both you & the kids the next morning
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Therapist’s notes: “I’ve got a live one here.”
Crocodile towels ☺ @funTweeters @fun_tweets
Son: What’re the trailers for?
Farmer: Goin’ to market.
S: Why 3 of ’em?
F: One carries cows, one hauls pigs.
S: That one?
F: Totes m’goats.
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Wife: Hit the light.
*flicks switch (wrong light)
*flicks another (fan)
*flicks (disposer)
*flicks (nothing)
*flicks (some light in Canada)
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When walking: *shakes fist at motorists*
When running: *shakes fist at the murderer chasing me*
It’s payday!! Time to splurge! Time to indulge! Time to blow it all on *checks notes* an Adequate Amount Of Groceries
Nothing flies faster than the ketchup out of the bottle when you only want a little.
Someone tweeted today that they were “29-ish” and I didn’t know you could “ish” 15 years.
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Waiter *looks at empty chair opposite me* are you waiting for a friend?
Me: Yes *lowers voice* is this how you get one?
*eats French fries out of a pack of cigarettes*
Land line and the doorbell both rang at the same time and I collapsed in the middle of the kitchen.
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wiping my hands on my pants before i shaking someone’s hand so they spend the rest of the day wondering what i just touched
If I were lost and all I had was a compass I would still be lost.
Interviewer: Any questions?
Me: Do you think his parents looked at him as a baby and said “You look like an Engelbert Humperdinck”?