I mean, I’m smart, but I’m no Alfred Einstein.
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Me checking my bank balance online.
I love texting my boyfriend
Netflix: if you like Murder & Standup
When you die your voice gets added to the Big Bang Theory laugh track.
Watching The Blair Witch Project. They brought no alcohol or drugs?
I see WWIII is about to kick off again. I’d best cancel the milk and get the cat in.
Taking my husband’s last name doesn’t mean I’m not a feminist it means I don’t want anyone I went to high school with to be able to find me ever again
chips are basically like “do you want to eat a potato one page at a time”
Him: I love birds.
Me: [trying to impress]
*smacks face into nearest window*
[eating dinner]
me [wearing 8 Burger King crowns] If they didn’t want you to take more than one there’d be a sign
date: i think i’ve been here before
me: really? this is my first fancy french restaurant
date: i’m definitely having deja vu
me: nice [hands menus back to waiter] make that 2 deja vus please
[Buys a popcorn and cola combo at the movies]
My Financial Advisor:
My husband threw away a perfectly good box as if we might not need it in 20 years.
This spa was amazing!
Umm Miss, you just walked through our car wash.
INTERVIEWER: Tell me one of your weaknesses.
ME: I sometimes mistake professional behavior for flirting.
INTERVIEWER: There is zero chance we’d ever hire someone with that issue.
ME: Listen, I’m flattered, but I’m married.
To the woman who just honked at me to leave this parking spot, I suddenly have dozens of urgent emails to respond to.
Google needs a “you really don’t want to know” search answer.
When someone says “No Biggie”, I reply with “not since ‘97” and immediately break down crying
My work here is done
Movember is over, so this week anyone looking like a pedophile is actually a pedophile.
Introducing – Paragraphica! 📡📷
A camera that takes photos using location data. It describes the place you are at and then converts it into an AI-generated “photo”.See more here:
or try to take your own photo here:
Husband Bear: Honey! I’m home!
Wife Bear: For God’s sake, would you at LEAST say hello before demanding dinner?
Directions: avoid contact with eyes
“It’s Ok, Shampoo, I feel shy sometimes too.”
New bird on my deck today. Not in my bird book. Will eat seed. Will not fly. Concerned may be hurt.
“I will love you forever.” She threatened, remembering how her aunt lived to be 107.
LIBRARIAN: yes over there
ME: do u have any books on time travel
*in public restroom*
Mom in next stall, to toddler: No, honey. You don’t take your shoes off to go potty. You have to leave your shoes on.
Me, in my stall: *quietly puts my shoes back on*
Priest: tell me your confessions
Me: I said the f word twice this week
Priest: [70% sure I stole his meatball sub from the church fridge] anything else
Just discovered that the self checkout area is not what you’d think.
Raising my baby pterodactyl has been a nightmare. “Don’t forget to pee in the toilet,” I’d say. “Do what in the toilet?” he’d respond.