“I want to request the next book in this series.”
“Sorry, it looks like that title isn’t coming out until sometime next year.”
“So are you saying you can’t request it?”
“Not yet, no.”
“See, this is why I hate libraries.”
“No, this is why you hate linear time.”
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Me: Of course
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Therapist: And what do we do when we’re feeling angry?
Me: *revving chainsaw*
Therapist: No.
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Yes, mother, I have gained weight.
No, it was not appropriate to point it out by pinching my muffin top in front of thirty people.
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Me: I had a cold
Them: it’s been 7 months
Me: I had a lot of colds
Dear diary,
Third date this week that went bad. The tablecloth trick is getting better though. Will try again on my date tomorrow night.
This is the final season of Young Sheldon.
I hope they don’t kill him off.