If a mummy was chasing me I’d just walk slightly faster
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There are usually two types of merchants.
Just tell people you have a podcast, nobody’s going to check.
we’re insta mutuals now 😌😌😌
For sale: baby shoes. Never worn. Nothing sinister! Wrong size. Should’ve measured. First baby. Very excited!!
I was feeling very depressed the other week. I went to my psychiatrist and told him I was suicidal.
He asked me to pay in advance.
Not to brag, but I’ve been told I’m a fine one to talk.
“Waiter, I’d like to send this back”
-m’am, I believe that’s your husband.
Oh yeah I was in a gang in high school! Well not like a real gang, it was more of a Trigonometry Club. But we still flashed sines.
waiter: any allergies i should know about?
me: uh, peanuts?
waiter: [disappointed] aw i already know that one.
the human wiped away my eye booger. only to pet it back onto me. i have never experienced such betrayal
Yesterday 4 said Stanley the snail on our outside wall was his best friend. Sadly Stanley fell off the wall overnight & showed no signs of life. I was worried how 4 would cope but turns out he’s already best friends with Mary the moth on our kitchen window. 4yos are fickle.
I just tried to start my car with my phone. You should know that my car has a keyless ignition. I’m pretty.
I wore red lipstick today and my 4 year old, while wearing his underpants inside out, boldly informed me that I look like the Joker
My husband asked me offhandedly if he had any annoying habits then got fucking offended during the PowerPoint presentation
My wife: where the heck did you spend $25,000 last night?
Netflix an..holy shit! How’d you get your pants off that fast?
I found a doctor online and I was happy because I could sign up for an appointment without contacting anybody. Since 3:15pm yesterday, I have received 13 contacts from them for today’s appointment.
Friend: How about a play date today?
Me: I’m sorry. My son has practice.
Friend: What kind of practice?
Me: Practicing how to cancel plans.
When cooking for a date for the first time I use plenty of garlic so we can get the whole “vampire/not a vampire” question out of the way.
Friend: excited for your date?
Me: no I just found out what we do at the end
Friend: kiss?
Me: *thinking about tipping* math
My friend got fired and his boss emailed him to ask about some stuff. He responded by offering a daily consulting rate of 4x his previous salary. LOL
[revenge plan]
*invent miniaturisation machine.
*shrink to tiny size.
*crawl all over sleeping spider’s face.
While I was driving, my 4-year-old threw a shoe and honked the car horn and has officially outdone my husband as the worst back seat driver.
When I was a kid I wanted to join this gang. They all had these crazy symbol tattoos on their midsections.
Ok, I wanted to be a Care Bear.
Ghost: *walking out with suitcase* I can’t haunt you anymore.
Me: Why?
Me: *puts “exorcist” on résumé*
Look at this
LIBRARIAN: our library has three stories
ME: shouldn’t it have more?
Yeah sex is great, but have you ever rubbed your eyes for a really long time? O. M. G.
Fred: You and Scooby go investigate. Velma, Daphne, and I will be in the Sex Machine.
Shaggy: The Mystery Machine?
Fred: Um, ya, whatever.
How do I get a job writing these texts