I’ll have a salad but on top of a burger with cheese
“So you want a cheeseburger?”
Yes but when you bring it to me say here’s your salad
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I’ve always had a soft spot in my heart for female T-Rex because the tampon insertion must’ve been really difficult.
hot panini’s mom is pissed, you guys.
Me before watching a serial killer documentary: I bet this killer was so successful because of their intelligence and cunning, and not just because of the gross incompetence of local law enforcement.
Me after watching a serial killer documentary: Well, shit.
My son said that he was bored so I told him he could vacuum, dust or clean the kitchen & Oh! Look at that!
He’s nowhere to be found.
In an alternate universe you just escaped from a research facility.
An uber eats driver just sent me a thank you for a tip on an order I placed three weeks ago and I really resonate with that level of procrastination
*at skatepark with my 7yr old nephew*
Random Mom: Cute kid!
Me: Oh thank u so much
Random Mom: Who’s the dad?
Me: My brother
Random Mom: *weird look**hours later*
Me: oh SHIT
Academia sounds like a disease. But it’s actually much worse.
*Three fingers stuck in my piggy bank
Firefighters: I’m not sure this is what they meant by stimulating the economy
I broke my tool for painting Easter decorations. I’m having an egg shell stencil crisis.
me: I’m going to kill the moon
dude: the moon is flat
me: I’m going to kill the moon and flat-mooners
I’ve lost my pet pigeon in London. His full name is Immanuel Kant, but he’s a bit old and deaf, so if you’re in London, please go to Trafalgar Square and keep shouting “Kant” as loud as you can, and see if you can find him for me. Thanks.
GUY: *pouring cooking grease down the drain* i know i shouldn’t, but what do I care, i rent
RAT KING: *grease drops on his head* that man-thing is the first to die-die
RAT WORKERS: *about to breach the surface* yes-yes
Dig one moat around your house and everyone’s all “you’re being unreasonable” and “where did you get the alligators”
The recipe said “Set the oven to 180 degrees,” so I did, but now I can’t open it because the door faces the wall.
ANGEL: Ok, bats are done. We just need to decide how they sleepGOD: [on his phone] Hang on
ANGEL: [writing] Bit weird but ok
Quote of the Day: “Life is but thought.” – Sara Teasdale
Lawyer: It wasn’t the fall that hurt you?
“No sir, it was…THE GROUND!”
*courtroom erupts*
*handcuffs are thrown on the ground*
Boss: Where were you on Friday?
Me: It was a holiday.
Me: It is if you go as Christmas.
IT guy: How much Internet do you need?
My folks: 10,000
Summer is here! You know how I know? Cause it’s kinda hot outside. And because my panties have little watermelons on them.
[opening birthday presents]
me: …is this another dead cat?schrödinger: *way too excited* we don’t know until you open it!
My ex from highschool followed my new dog’s Instagram account and dm’ed her “I don’t like your mom” LMAO IM DYING
The mice in my apartment left me a note that said as long as I keep buying store brand graham crackers, there’s no need for traps.
Maggi is the girlfriend of the food world. It says 2 minutes but never gets ready in less than 20 minutes.
While taking a nap with my daughter, my 4 year old son creeps into my bed, fiddles with my bra hooks for 5 minutes, then gives up and passes out snoring next to me. No need for a paternity test, he’s definitely my husband’s son.
GUY WHO INVENTED JACK-O-LANTERNS: I bet this gourd would be cooler if it looked like it wanted to murder me.
Bloody internet 😳
I haven’t been to Target since February. I wonder how it’s even staying in business without me.