Interviewer: what did you learn from your previous job?
Me: that I need a new job
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[american civil war]
soldier: god this is terrible I hope no one reenacts this
Apparently someone’s been stealing patrol dogs.
Police say they have several leads
WFH: Work From Home
my brain: WaFfle House
On the next “Unsolved Mysteries” my wife and I investigate how there aren’t enough hangers for the clothes we washed when they were on hangers before we wore them.
When I find a bruise,
5% of the time I wonder “how the hell did I get that?”
95% of the time I press it to see if it hurts
<gets on elevator >
Pushes all the buttons
Hugs everyone
Prays out loud that we’re not going to die
Gets off at the 2nd floor
Every time someone makes a typo, I look at the location of the letters on the keyboard to consider whether it’s justified.
Pretty disgusting that Air Bud can dominate any human sport, but I join one greyhound race and get put down
oh you’re playing music at the beach?? you think your taste in music is superior to poseidon’s 24/7 ambient mixtape???
I was thinking about how the cat seems to spend nearly all day in my bed. Maybe from her perspective it’s her bed and I just take the night shift.
[watching christmas movie]
Me: who’s your favorite character?
Daughter: I like the grinch.
Me: but he’s the bad guy.
Daughter: maybe he stole Christmas only cause they wrote that really mean song about him first.
Daughter: maybe whoville had it coming.
If you disagree with someone, just slap them with a fish.
If you need another reason to stay off Facebook there’s a “turn yourself into a ‘Peanuts’ character” thing going around.
In the theater
Me: Haven’t you ever seen someone stuff their bra before?
Him: Not with tater tots
Gimme some.
7: [from bed] MOM!
Me: YES?
7: *mumbling
7: *mumbling
Me: HUH?
7: *mumbling
Me: *pauses movie*
A new poll shows that half of people would keep their current car forever if they could. “And now you CAN!” said the cost of living.
[at Red Lobster]
WAITRESSES: *run toward me*
ME: Red Lobster!
ME: Green Lobster!
The doctor said to me, “Do you know you have a serious problem vocalizing your emotions?”
I said, “I can’t say I’m surprised.”
I was inept with girls in high school. Once I tried to unhook a bra strap and accidentally made a macramé plant hanger.
It’s illegal to play pop music on a hot air balloon.
I am hoping the next jump in human evolution removes humanity’s desire to find plot holes in joke tweets.
Hey babe i wanted to marry you but i had to ask your dad first and he said yes so i guess i’m marrying your dad
my boss: “keith you have 17 outstanding timesheets”
me: “they can’t be that good i haven’t done one in weeks”
One day when the kids ask about life before the crab war you’ll laugh nervously and continue walking sideways to crab church.
as a teen: secretly drinking in the park with friends.
as an adult: secretly drinking in the park with squirrels.
I’m in a doctor’s office waiting room and there’s a People magazine on the table. I can’t believe Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston are getting a divorce.
Using “whom” incorrectly at a party I wasn’t invited to
I wanted to start writing a sewing blog
But I lost my thread
H: Let’s have dinner on the deck tonight.
Every mosquito in a 17 mile radius: OKAY!