It’s not a good date unless it ends with you slowly walking off into the ocean like Godzilla.
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Some coworkers reheated lunch smells like it’s about to go missing in my stomach.
If you’re in the gym filming yourself and getting mad at people getting in your shot, I’m gonna twerk in the background at whatever piece of equipment you’re on.
Thousands of Amazon customers take the time each year to post “haven’t tried it yet” as a review — so no, I don’t overly concern myself with the opinions of internet strangers.
“How’d the date go?”
Not good. Too many red flags.
*Flashback to her house being covered with USSR flags*
I think she might be a communist.
Why do I have to work today? I worked yesterday! What more could you possibly want from me.
If horror movies have taught me anything it’s that you can build a house on an Indian burial ground & yet still be haunted by white people.
[hitting on a girl]
ME: can I buy you a beer?
HER: no thanks
ME: so two beers then?
HER: i said no thanks
ME: *checking my wallet nervously* ok three beers last offer
Sharp cheeses are so much better than dull cheeses
Don’t hate me cause I’m beautiful, hate me cause I stole your lunch out of the office fridge
I feel pretty smart until I realize the wild ducks I’m surprised by on my neighbor’s lawn are metal lawn ornaments he’s had for 5 years.
Generation gap…
It must be almost impossible for chalk-outline guys not to turn victims’ hands into turkeys this time of year.
Welcome to your 40’s. Squinting’s not helping anymore. Now you have to take pics of the products you want to buy, then enlarge them to read their composition.
The Mayor in Jaws was right.
Imagine you traveled to the beach on the 4th of July and they’re like “Sorry ocean’s closed – there was a SHARK out there a few days ago!”
“Who made that decision?”
wife: sure is nice around here when the kids are out
me: mm hm
wife: quiet
wife: calm
wife: peaceful
wife: no witnesses
me: what
Wife: Did you do the dishes like I asked?
Me: Sorry I was busy
W: Doing what?
*cat rides by on Roomba wearing gladiator outfit*
Me: Uh..
jesus christ confetti not now
one taught me love
one taught me patience
and one taught me pain![]()
I’m just saying, the ratio of people who say they “make their own sauce” doesn’t correlate with the amount of sauce available in stores
Imagine there was a moment before Red Riding Hood arrived where the wolf in nightdress and sleeping hat asked himself what the hell he was doing.
Wife: where’s the baby?
Me: up on the roof
Me: relax. He’s got sunscreen on
DEATH: behold, the four horsemen! The apocalypse is nigh!
ME: You’re all centaurs?!!!
FAMINE: What did you expect?
ME: lol
ME: you want a sugar cube?
Telling jokes on Twitter makes you a Comedian… The same way skinny jeans make you skinny…
You know the hurricane is serious when even SpongeBob and Gary are evacuating
He instantly became one of the bros
[in a steel doomsday bunker]
FRIEND: I could use some kool-aid.
ME: No!
[something strikes the side of our bunker]
I’m not saying motorcycles are dangerous, but the motorcycle section on Craigslist also has a lot of electric wheelchairs for sale.
DATE: you smell so nice – what are you wearing?
ME: Febreeze
do you know how lucky we are that skunks are generally reasonable