Medusa: *takes a long drag on a cigarette* You know, he was just Dwayne Johnson until he met me
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Jimmy Fallon:
Squirrel guest: *tail twitching like crazy*
Jimmy Fallon: HAHAHA that’s so great
Me: I have nothing to say
Surprise your family by quitting your job and becoming a coffee table.
When I was little I asked God for a bike. He didn’t deliver so I stole a bike and asked for forgiveness instead.
I just heard the phrase “murdered to death” and wondered if there’s any other option
Dating isn’t easy when you’re married.
PSA: if you are experiencing performance issues in Stardew Valley 1.6, remove all hats from pets. We will address the problem as soon as possible
Genie: What is your last wish
Me: Make me stop second-guessing myself
Genie: You sure that’s what you want?
ME: I dreamed about you last night
PIZZA DELIVERY GUY: please just sign your receipt so I can leave, sir
Boss: you’re late
Me: *grabs his coffee* thanks, though it’s pronounced ‘latte’
8: mom do you have ANY idea how rare circles are in minecraft?
me: no but i have a bad feeling you’re about to spend a really long time telling me
I suspect in a previous life I was either Napoleon or maybe some socks.
ME: For my last wish, I want an infinite number of cooked turkeys.
GENIE: Hmmm. *checks Genie handbook* I’ll allow it.
ME: *begins removing all the wishbones*
Things that alarm my 5yo
Defcon 3: My 5yo is sick
Defcon 4: My 5yo is hurt
Defcon 5: My 5yo found a piece of tomato peel in her marinara sauce
[lying on the couch, one leg hanging off the side, face and shoulder smashed against the arm, other leg and one of my hands completely asleep] well as long as the cat is comfortable
Him: do you have a pen?
Me: yes. (walks away)
Tween and me: *arguing*
Husband: God, you two are just like each other.
Tween and me: WHAT’D YOU SAY?
Husband: *jumps out window*
Prescription drug commercial: the most common side effect is diarrhea
Me: ooo I love diarrhea
My wife said “You only love me because my father left me a million pounds.”
“That’s not true, I’d still love you whoever left it to you”
I’ll wear a neckerchief but I’m not calling it that.
7: Golf is not fun to watch
ME: It is, if you understand the nuances and the context
7: What are nuances and context
Me: Details. Like the scoreboard, the decisions they make
7: They hit a ball, and it goes in–or not
7: Usually not
7: They aren’t even good at it.
Sorry I headbutted you, I was gonna punch you but, I was holding wine.
[eating something that until 40 years ago was considered a once-in-a-lifetime delicacy only fit for royalty]
Me: it’s a little cold 😤
20s: There are three people? I’m not going to the party
40s: There are three people!! I’m not going to the party
Me: *opening trunk*
Tied up Guy: ope
Me: omg this isn’t my car
Tied up Guy:
Me: I’m one row over this is so embarrassing
Tied up Guy: happens to everyone
Me: *closing trunk* ugh I’m so sorry
My toddler found a roll of quarters and is throwing money everywhere. Is she Scrooge Mcduck? Am I rich?
Being an adult is bullshit. Babies get praised for being able to hold their heads up on their own like bravo your neck works, stupid baby