Relationship status: just said goodnight to my living room.
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[end of a job interview]
Interviewer: Any questions?
Me: If you could become half robot, would you do it?
Him: Which half?
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me: but if you were, what bus would you take
[McDonald’s drive thru]
ME: i’d like a happy meal with a coke
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i mean yes babe u look so prety yes u do
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when someone’s guiding me into a parking spot:
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hackers play passwordle
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interviewer: so mr long legs what are your qualifications for the position of web designer
spider: haha, mr long legs was my father, you can call me daddy
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ME: Why does my stomach hurt?
WebMD: Because of that Ouija board you messed with in the fourth grade, probably.
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“Hello, 911? Hi, I was just wondering: is it stop, drop, THEN roll? Cause my friend–STOP SCREAMING, I’M ASKING THEM”