This is a post about animal excrement and the English language.
bull$#!% = nonsense/lies
chicken$#!% = petty or cowardly
horse$#!% = nonsense/lies
dog$#!%= low quality
ape$#!% = wild
bat$#!%= crazyOrdered above from oldest to newest: bull$#!% (1914), bat$#!% (1971).
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[ after a spat ]
Me: Are you still mad at me?
Her: I guess not.
Me: [ reaching for her ]
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[Chopped episode]
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Me *munching*
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All right stop, coagulate and thicken
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H: Nice, what’s in it?
Me: *Reads ingredients from packet.
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Do NOT say:”Because I am tired of using my own”
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Convict: I don’t know, Judge. What time were you up this morning?
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me, eating a corn dog: that’s correct, your honor.
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ME: “Oh well.”[Someone is rude to my friend]
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*an hour later*
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