Meet Melissa. She is very obviously a Catfish and she clearly did not check my Instagram profile before messaging me.
For those of you worried about AI, I think we’ve got a few more years before Skynet is an issue.
I love April Fools’ Day. It’s the only day of the year when people are skeptical of things they read on the internet.
How do I put this gently? You make me feel… unwet?
“And on the 8th day, God created the platypus because he had some spare parts and thought a hairy duck might be fun.” – Genesis 51:12
My son had a rough day so I played Fortnite with him and the lesson that I learned is that I hate Fortnite.
When people come into my office and complain, I’ve started gently pushing things off my desk while maintaining eye contact. You’d be amazed at how much shorter the conversations are.
Kids are home for two weeks while their school is being cleaned. I want to blame the virus but in reality, Corona is how I wound up with three kids in the first place.
I’m getting the sneaking suspicion that my therapist isn’t the one who’s supposed to be crying during our sessions.
You might be “street-smart” but you’re “everywhere-else-stupid”.
Giving someone a Christmas card is like saying, “Hey I spent $0.99 on this and signed it, can you throw it away for me?”
Sorry I referred to your one-night-stand as “the nakey mistakey”.
I’m in the other room and I hear my 3yo shout, “In your face, poop”. Then the toilet flushes. I would give anything to get that excited about pooping again.
9yo: Dad, how come you’re so good at Mario Kart but so bad at driving your car?
Me: Go to your room.
“This isn’t my first rodeo.” He said, confidently. “Now help me get on this pointy cow.”