It’s fitting to watch a Mike Tyson fight with the picture clarity of an 80’s TV.
My firstborn put our house on Yelp and left a review stating the food is great but the kitchen staff is grumpy.
At the urinal in an I-95 rest stop bathroom:
Siri’s voice (from my back pocket): Turn left.
Man to the left of me: Please don’t.
Every spy movie character who gets shot:
I need to find a doctor.Screenwriters:
Best we can do is a veterinarian.
When your kid asks you where the other parent is, they’re really saying that they’d like to speak with the manager.
The kids are out of town, so I buy things from Ikea because I’m used to having my patience tested.
I’m not saying I’m a rebel, I’m just saying I wanna park here to see what the fuss is about.
They’re a 10 but they use only the amount of garlic listed in the recipe.
Let’s normalize using the term “Cooking Wine” to refer to the wine we drink while cooking.
Become a parent, so you can be accused of “using up all the internet” when Fortnite glitches for a millisecond.
Her: My computer is running so slow!
Me: Really? How many browser tabs do you have open?
Me: Is it less than 500?
Her: Never mind.
No one is more full of crap than a parent who threatens to take away electronics for a week.
I bring my Roomba to parties, so I’m not the most awkward thing moving throughout the room.
From a friend in the Nat’l lPark Service. They’ve thought this through.
Son #1 put our house on Yelp and left a review that said the food is good but the kitchen staff is grumpy.