Whoever said “nothing tastes as good as skinny feels” has clearly never tried cheese.
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No, I don’t think I will.
If I don’t stop stress-eating, I will be the elephant in the room.
If a British person calls 911 and says, “It’s a bloody mess” how does the operator know if there’s blood or the person is just being British
Barkeep. Send a drink over to little ms. thang over there. Tell her it’s from me
Sir, that’s a Ms. Pac-Man machine
*raises glass, winks*
Oh I don’t know. I woke up 2 hours early to get some laundry done. How do you THINK IT’S GOING?
[during sex]
her: hurt me
me: there’s only one season of firefly
My dad told my mom he’d never divorce her because he doesn’t want her that happy.
one time when i was like 20 one of my best friends said he liked his name because of how unique it was. his name is jason
diet tip: your pants will never get too tight if you don’t wear any.
Screech up to a yard sale. Ask if they have any haunted amulets. Yell at the dog in your backseat, “I’m GETTING the spell reversed, Greg!”
need a SPY 2 where Melissa McCarthy and Jason Statham go undercover as Olympics breakdancers from a made-up country
if this pandemic happened in the 80s my mom would’ve sent us out to play with plastic bags over our heads and oven mitts
My son asked Alexa to play The Imperial March, and it synced with my 3yo storming away after her tantrum. It was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.
LIFE HACK: If you want to remember something write it upside down on the back of your underwear waistband. You’ll see it when you’re pooping
As a responsible parent, I gave my kids a healthy breakfast of strawberries w/ milk & a little sugar…
[casting call]
-have u acted before?
*shows VHS of me at a food court eating free samples like I might purchase the meal
-oh this guys good
Not to brag but I’ll inherit 17 bottles of Old Spice when my dad dies.
Me: Who called you guys “Samsung security personnel” instead of “Guardians of the Galaxy?”
Raccoons (that I dressed as security guards): *bite me*
Wrote a tweet that said “Pizza is never divided by politics.” Was about to hit send.
Then I remembered pineapple .
My husband is volunteering to dress as the grim reaper and walk around stores where the folx are leisurely shopping and chatting.
ME: my mouth is all itchy
HER: were you in the attic again?
ME: you mean my Free Cotton Candy Room?
HER: I’ll speed dial poison control
Hendrix didn’t need to twerk on stage. He performed the old fashioned way, relying only on his musical talents and near lethal doses of LSD.
“You’re going to have to open your mouth wider than that”
I’m at the dentist you pervs!
People always say they’d use a time machine to cheat on the lottery. I’d go back in time and invent the lottery. Make them call it The National Martin. That would show everyone.
I remember being a kid & excited whenever the doorbell would ring. Now when it rings, I drop to the floor & don’t move like its a bank heist
date: so you work from home
long armed steve: technically yes
Chatting to an old couple there going to Majorca. He was so upset. Said he wished he’d brought his piano with him. I explained that it wouldn’t go in the hold and that he’d be back soon enough. He said he understood that, but he’d left their tickets and passports on it.
Whoever invented the phrase “to cut a long story short…” sure as shit wasn’t 8 years old
Where are you going?
“Ice fishing”
You know you can just buy ice at the store right?
“No I mean th…”
Or just freeze some water even…
The longer I stay home, the more homeless I look