you can basically just make up facts as long as they’re about animals.. cows can’t look left. you don’t know
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hi yes i’d like a vodka salad please
“you mean a bloody mary”
yeah yeah whatever just hurry it up
I want a polka band at my funeral. I’m the one who’s dead, let ’em suffer.
Here’s a list of all the things my toddler doesn’t fight me on:
[at a party]
Host: may I take your coat?
Me: nah I’ll be needing that in about 10 minutes
When a man reaches 50, he starts to realize he’s got only 6 or 7 more Batmans left.
I just bought ibuprofen from Costco so if anyone has any aches or pains, I can help 16,000 of you
My friend uses ‘supossebly’ and I never correct her. I like her irregardless.
Daughter: Do you think Freddie Mercury and Edgar Allen Poe would get along?
Me: Huh?
Daughter: Cuz he’s just a Poe boy from a Poe family.
Look, when I said I would “do anything” to bring Eurydice back from the Underworld I obviously meant “besides walk in a straight line without turning around”
“What’s your greatest weakness?”Superman: Seriously?
Judge: On the charge of murder, how do you plead?
Me: *holds up Monopoly “get out of jail free” card*
Judge: Case dismissed.
I ran into a hot guy at the grocery store last week and he hasn’t tracked me down and proposed to me yet. This is why I hate movies.
Tastes victory
Victory: Eww! Stop licking me!!
[we put our clothes back on]
Bonfire is French for “good fire.”
Some days I think I’m brilliant.
Other days I ask myself if there’s a “u” in forty.
Sure Xfinity internet service is overpriced and spotty but you can’t put a price on unintentionally being dropped from every Zoom meeting.
I replaced all the fire extinguishers at work with confetti canons because I like to party
ME: hi handsome, is this seat taken?
BUS DRIVER: yes, but you could literally sit anywhere else
I don’t whisper sweet nothings.
I yodel them.
So you think makeup is “lying”
Sir, if you believe I was born with sparkles on my eyelids and blue lips, that’s on you
OBAMA: I want to close Gitmo
GOP: no
OBAMA: But you haven’t even—
GOP: no
GOP: no
OBAMA: I’m resigning
GOP: no
OBAMA: haha gotcha
“Cool.” was my spouse’s text reply to me getting our Pearl Jam tickets today.
So anyway, after I bury the body in the back yard, I have an extra ticket if someone wants to go.
What no one tells you about having kids is that within a few years you’re in possession of lot of teeth that you have no idea what to do with
That is the biggest doily I have ever seen.
Spider-cat: No One Home
Nothing like sitting on a chair at your kid’s school to inspire you to never eat cookies again.
Forget sexy talk. I want breakfast talk. Describe those waffles to me nice and slow.
the clam before the storm
My lasagna just took a picture of me and posted it on Instagram