“You don’t feel well? Pfffft you just don’t want to come over”
Me: fine! I guess I can die just as easy at your house as I can my own
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“I’m gonna make you so happy, baby. And then I’m gonna make you real sad.”
– gas station nachos
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ME: Why do they call it a John Doe and not a Who-man?
CORONER: Are you here to identify the body?
ME: I am not.
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I understand if you aren’t religious, I respect that. But you don’t have to get all rude when I ask to use your first born as a sacrifice.
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I never realized that by my age, I would be so well educated in kitchen back splashes
Now I lay me down to sleep
I pray the Lord my soul…to keep…
If I shall die before I wake–
Yah, I really don’t like where this is going.
I really hate to get religious on here, but have you seen the thigh gap on Jesus. DAYUM!
[meeting my gf’s parents]
gf: just please be serious
me: ok
gf’s dad: sorry for the wait, dinner’s ready now
gf: oh no
gf: please