I’m a GROWN MAN. I’m on my GROWN MAN SHIT. I am COLD and DISORIENTED cause I got out of the shower but I can’t dry off cause all my towels are in the WASHER.
Damn, can’t believe I’m getting all of this backlash just for being objectively shitty
What’s your zodiac sign? I’m a banjo wizard.
Canada has Nova Scotia but won’t tell us what happened to Scotia. What are they hiding?
I hate talking about the weather with Canadians because I have to convert the temperature to Mooses per square Tim Hortons or whatever.
Mugger: *holding knife* give me your money
Me: please, I have a family
Mugger: gimme the money and I won’t hurt you
Me: but I have a family
Mugger: do y- do you want me to stab you?
Me: more than anything
[Spelling bee]
Moderator: your word is *looks at card and sees Worcestershire* uh-
Moderator: *sweating*
Moderator: forklift
Me: they call me Fred Flintstone
Her: *annoyed* because you can make my bed rock?
Me: because you’re gonna turn me down and I’ll have to yabba dabba do it myself
Why don’t we just number the days of the week, like:
Me: well someone woke up in a fowl mood
Turkey: *getting dressed* please lose my number
Her: do you have protection?
MacGyver: *rummaging through her kitchen junk drawer* give me like 5 minutes
Friend: compliment her eyelashes, girls like that
Me: you have nice eyeball hair
[Spelling bee]
Moderator: your word is *looks at card and sees Worcestershire* uh-
Moderator: *sweating*
Moderator: forklift
Me: could you pass me the Washington Shire sauce
Her: the what?
Me: the Westminster Shore sauce
Her: are you having a stroke?
Me: the Warcaster Shiner sauce
Her: hello, 911? I need an ambulance-
Me: the Willmington Scone sauce
Her: please, it’s getting worse
Me: the Wank-