> be 28
> mom tells me to get a job
> put on Braveheart face paint
> run into kitchen
> scream FREEDOM
> mom tells me to get a girlfriend
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By the time you finish reading this tweet, you will be slightly closer to death than you were before.
I hope it was worth it.
who said “fortune favors the prepared” instead of “ready player won”?
willy wonka: it’s a factory, accidents happen
me: ok but your employees sang about it…in detail
willy wonka: lol that was sick righ-
me: there was choreography, it…it rhymed
willy wonka:
me: how did- how could they have prepared
I made this sign for a broken stepladder at work & honestly I think I need to make one for myself too
Me: and then I visited ancient Egypt
1-up Carl: well I’m going next year so it will be even more ancient then
Me: shit
“Dad, is that a bear outside the tent?”
“Hold still.”
“What’re you putting on me?”
“It smells like ketchup.”
My eye caught an article about the presidential debate but I read it as “preschool debate” and I’m pretty sure they’re the same thing
thought i was a minimalist, but it turns out i’m just broke
“i was born in the wrong generation” bro we can literally fry shit with the air. what else do u want
It may seem that your dog wants to give you a kiss but he really just wants to know if you had peanut butter for dinner
Do I just say yes or do I make my group hate me before we even begin this project
If you have a tattoo on your head, you’ve lost the right to ask me what I’m looking at.
[Cannibal Restaurant]
Waiter: Need anything else?
Cannibal: No, I’m stuffed. I can’t even finish this. Could I get a body bag?
[2052 pre-apocalypse]
Him: If only we had one of those old VCR cables, we could save the world
Don’t tell a lactose intolerant girl you’ll “rearrange her guts” you’re not doing anything to her a glass of milk can’t do
Me: allow me to be a frank with you
You: ok but don’t you mean ‘be fra-‘
Me: [is suddenly a hotdog]
You: [is suddenly a hotdog]
I thought secret rooms would play a bigger role in my adult life. Like the kind of room you access by pulling a book on a shelf or pressing a certain stone on a wall or pulling on a sconce. Also where are all the trap doors?
Hostage negotiator: I don’t quite get your demands.
Person: Do you have a license for that thing?
Me [from my wheelchair]: No, that got revoked after I killed my third pedestrian.
Her: *Looking at furniture we can’t afford*
Me: You know you can’t have that, why do you tease yourself?[A few hours later]
Me: *Watching sportsball on TV*
Me: *Perks up at cheerleader*
Her: *Just raises one eyebrow*
Me (27 f) and my bf (12 ft tall Home Depot skeleton) are trying for a child to no success. Any tips helpful!!!
It’s hard to tell because most pictures are in black and white, but Abraham Lincoln’s hat was actually a nice mauve.
This is enough internet for the day.
Doctor: I’m sorry, but it looks like you won’t be able to have sexual intercourse again.
Me: But I’ve only sprained my ankle.
I got mad at a rock today.
I chopped it in half with my lightsaber.
Now there are two rocks.
Send help. Now.
I found a body in the trunk of my car today, which is disturbing because I remember leaving 2 in there..
Remember how judgey we thought we’d be if our kid said “wow! My teacher drinks a lot”
*takes out one earbud*
“not guilty, your honor”
It’s Saturday, so I’m as lazy as the guy who drew the Japanese flag.
the fbi, studying my kidnapper’s proof of life photo of me, notice a morse code message of mustard stains across the front of my shirt that says: ‘we’re out of mustard’
[driving test]
INSTRUCTOR: Any initial concerns?
ME: Volcanoes
I: About the test?
M: No
I: Ok then let’s go
M: *drives into active volcano*