Customer: did you know that when octopuses get mad they throw things at one another?
Me, slowly suspecting my ex might have been an octopus: you don’t say…
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*looks over back shoulder*
*puts car in reverse*Wife: OH MY GOD
*slams brakes*
Wife: Becky just posted the cutest picture
3-year-old: *sits at the table forever without touching anything*
Me: *eats one cold chicken nugget*
Shout out to the little teapot song for making it okay to be short & stout.
When my wife wanted to have a second child – her exact words were “it’s just rinse and repeat”.
To this day that’s still the funniest joke she’s ever told.
*chugging beers at 11am*
Waitress: looks like somebody is having a fun St Patrick’s Day!
Me: That’s today?
CW: can i ask a stupid question
ME: sure u seem qualified
FORREST GUMP: hey bubba would you please tell me the name of the woods where robin hood hid out with his merry men?
BUBBA: sherwood forest
FORREST GUMP:FORREST GUMP: hey bubba would you please tell me the n
I feel like maybe if God didn’t spend all his time helping people win at sports and awards shows he’d have time to fix some shit
MEDIA: These mysterious ruins may hold unknown secrets!
ARCHAEOLOGIST: We actually have a pretty decent idea wh-
M: Archaeologists are stumped!
A: No, we have a good amount of evi-
M: Was it even humans?
A: Yes. Yes it was.
M: Perhaps we’ll never know!
A: *screams*
“We could do that, or…”
Translation: I’m afraid I’ve just placed your suggested plan gently into the bin.
I suck at flirting I’ll be like “is that so?”
Hey, Honey, I bought you this Peloton bike for Christmas!
Oh, you don’t need a knife, the box is easy to open.
Babe, you definitely don’t need two knives…..
Uh oh…..
[typing in parental control pin]
5: why do you go so fast? I’m trying to see it. I know it ends with 3, 4 but nothing I’ve tried works
Sex is like my hair. I didn’t have any yesterday. I didn’t have any today. And unless something drastically changes, I won’t have any tomorrow.
Why, in the name of heck, do they call it a “fun-size” candy bar when the fun part is getting more candy, not less? 🍫😠
My kids have been joking for weeks about a new pokémon called puke-achu and then they got the stomach flu and brought it to life
Whenever customer service agents say that they’re recording the phone call, I’ve started saying, “I am too.”
Service is way better.
*pronounces GIF like graphics interchange format*
My ex texted me today to tell me he has not one, but two dates this week. Anyone else have useless information I don’t care about to confess?
“You need to chill out, you’ve yelled at everything that isn’t a snack.”
–my 10 year old
[animal meeting at the zoo]
Lion: you’re late. We said meet at sunset
Giraffe: I can still see the sun you fucken midget
When life hands you alligators, make gator aid.
Me: *skips*
Sometimes when I’m drunk, I put on a trench coat, lurk around the shadows and pretend I’m the host from Unsolved Mysteries
Rob thank god you picked up! Hey remember when you said if I needed a place to crash I cou- hold on *to copilot* STOP CRYING, ROB WILL HELP
I ordered the chick on page 3 in the Victoria’s Secret catalog…
But all they sent me was her underwear.
I’m not saying he ate the candy canes off the bottom of the Christmas tree I’m just saying my dog’s breath was minty fresh this morning.
Cop: Pull over
Me: you cold bro?
“If that isn’t doing it for you, just give it a little smack. On the bottom. Harder. Little harder. Almost there.”
– The waiter explaining to me how to get ketchup out of the bottle.
[zombies eating me]
Zombie 1: does he taste funny to you?
Zombie 2: no, he tastes like he’s trying too hard