If I were wanted by the FBI they wouldn’t have far to look today, I’ll be in front of the TV watching football.
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Me: I don’t like ice in my whiskey
Him: that’s neat
Me: yeah, it’s pretty cool
I asked the husband to take me shopping and he said “Take yourself.”
I can’t wait for him to ask for sex.
obi-wan: anakin has turned to the dark side what should we do???
yoda: raise his son to murder him we could
The interesting thing about stabbing somebody in the chest with a giant sharpened stick is it will kill them whether they’re a vampire or just a regular dude
Here’s a meme
MOM: are you seriously planting cameras around the house just so you can do that Jim Halpert thing when ur annoyed?
ME: [looks at camera]
Trojans: oh cool guys it’s that giant horse we ordered off Amazon
Greek soldiers: [quietly] lmao
[trying to make small talk with the lady cutting my hair]
so what do you do for a living
Guy walking in on me in the bathroom
Me: Excuse me. I’m on the phone.
This day in history. 2001. Holland legalized assisted suicide for those with terminal illnesses or “It’s a Small World” stuck in their head.
me at 15: i can’t wait to go to college and PARTY!!
me at 20: ok so listen. there’s a new grocery store and GET THIS. i got a mango for 56 cents
Fish must think we look so weird with both eyes on the front of our face.
Anyone: Hey, can I ask you a personal question?
Me: *sound of footsteps running away*
Kate who dumped me at junior school now wants me to like her interior decorating Facebook page.
How the tables have turned Kate.
“Where were you on the night of the 5th?”
“Dealing drugs.”
“Louder for the tape?”
[leans in]
“Healing pugs. I’m a pug vet.”
Son: This kid at school says really mean things to me
Me: I’ll have a word with him[Later]
Son: How did it go, Dad?
Me [trying to hide my red eyes] do you think I look like a potato?
[stopping the tattoo artist 15 seconds into my “feel no pain” tattoo] ok so you’re gonna laugh
If a CW won’t take ownership of their mistake, the discussion about having them killed should at least be on the table, surely?
~ reason 153 why I’ve been asked to visit HR ‘for a chat’ this year.
Doctor. When I touch myself here it hurts. And when I touch here it hurts. And when I touch here it hurts. It feels like everything hurts!
Doctor: is your finger broken?
No, I don’t think so….
Dr: In than case you’re just over 35. Take some advil. Good luck.
man: hey do you take walk-ins
cremator: excuse me what
love printers. as all of technology evolves, they take a bold stand and say “no, not only am i not going to improve, i’m not going to even print” and that’s the type of product integrity i can get behind
Nature abhors a vacuum. And dogs. Dogs also abhor a vacuum.
Her: You have a cigarette machine in your kitchen?
Me: Well it would look ridiculous in the living room…
An app that makes your phone ring whenever someone asks “so what’s next for you”
Where can I get a Medic Alert bracelet that says “not a hugger?”
I’m annoyed giraffes don’t eat birds directly outta the sky
Got my flu shot and now everyone in Walgreens knows my safe word.
If you walk through the store with a dried boogie on your nose people end conversations quicker
My 72 year-old mother just informed me she is going to her first “sex party” and doesn’t know what to bring.
After some delicate questioning, “Gender Reveal, Mom. It’s called a Gender Reveal.”