The eighties were great except for all the spinning right ‘round like a record.
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The 250 million year old Himalayan salt I bought expires in November 2018
Dad, to brother: You’re married now. You’re officially an adult.
Dad, to sister: You’re a mother now. You’re imbued with an imparted wisdom that no other could fathom.
Dad, to me: You eat any good nachos lately?
These kids today have it made. When I was growing up and there was a natural disaster, we’d have to go outside and spread our misinformation in person.
presidents day is just a holiday created by “Big President” to get us to buy more presidents
Fun Fact:
The “eye roll” was created by Eve in the Garden of Eden within 15 min of her first conversation with Adam.
No thanks spider hanging from my front door casing. I’ll go around back.
me (under my breath): don’t let her know how awkward you are
date: what are you having
me: an ok time
So, it’s OK if Robert Plant says “I’m gonna give you my love”, but I say it once and have to see HR?
It’s not like I knew my fly was open!
Keanu Reeves, sure, but then Keanu comes back a rittle bit rater.
To everyone who mocked me for keeping my old maternity pants for so long … who’s laughing now
Him: how did your duel with your nemesis go?
Me: *kicks stone* we were approaching each other from a distance and I drew my sword too early and had to hold it out for ages like a doofus
I’m annoyed giraffes don’t eat birds directly outta the sky
I only attract psychopaths. If you’ve ever had a crush on me, find a therapist.
[takes a deep drag on a cigarette & stares off into the distance] Sometimes a man needs to unplug everything and be alone with his thoughts… and a 3lb corned beef brisket. And a jar of deli mustard. And some rye bread. Maybe a dark beer, but the point is a man needs alone time.
HEALTH OFFICIAL: one way to slow the spread of disease is to isolate yourself from people
ME: way ahead of you
MAGICIAN: Is this your card?
ME: No
MAGICIAN: Is this your card?
ME: No
MAGICIAN: This one?
ME: No. When is our regular postman back from holiday?
yeah i can totally shred on the guitar do you want romaine lettuce or cheese
*gets summoned to the spider court*
*places glass over spider judge*
Filmmaker: “I made a documentary.”
Netflix Exec: “Great. How much footage do you have?”
Filmmaker: “About 15 minutes.”
Netflix Exec: “Sold. We’ll release it as four 1-hour episodes.”
[waffle house]
Waitress: how do u like your eggs
Me: hatched and with their families
W: no how do u like them cooked
M: [spits out coffee]
Based on their reaction, I must of nailed the nude pole dancing portion of my interview at the fire department today.
Me: This date is going well
Her: Yes
Me: You look sexy as hell
Her: Thank you
Guy she’s on a date with: dude
Me: ok 2 pizzas coming up
Mr. Darcy: “You have bewitched me, body and soul.”
Wicked Witch of the West: “That’s kinda what I do. Now please dismount the monkey.”
Tonight, Joe Biden’s press conference is make or break. Everyone will be tuned in. It’s all anyone will be paying attention to. So it’s the perfect moment.
I’m going to steal the Declaration of Independence.
I hate when I think there’s an open parking space and then I have to run over a motorcycle.
I mean I’m not getting anywhere by just sitting on it
I am thinking of watching a movie with my boyfriend. Can anyone recommend a good boyfriend?
It’s a good thing that our phones only convey sight and sound. No offense, but from most of you I would never want to receive a smelfie!
Coworker : I just like to go with the flow.
Me : Flow away, I’m busy.