Fight fire with water. Idiots.
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Me: one man’s trash is another man’s treasure
Garbage truck driver: are you seriously doing an Italian job on a garbage truck?
My Kid: (seeing Wife with a plate of fries) Mommy, can I have some of your fries?
Wife: No. (Points at me who is also having fries) Go ask Daddy
My Kid: Daddy, can I have some of Mommy’s fries
My Brain: Don’t high five your kid right now. Don’t high five your kid right now…
GOD: You each have a gift
WORM: What’s mine?
G: You…spin silk
BEE: How bout me?
G: Uh…make honey
HIPPO: And me?
G: Hm…eat marbles
i haven’t been able to stop thinking about this for days… what did he mean… what does he know
My son cried yesterday because:
– he “doesn’t want to carry two things” (school bag and lunch bag)
– i pushed the button on the elevator and he wanted to do it
– his nanny said hello and he’s “too tired to greet”
– didn’t like the shirt he was wearing anymore
– wanted to write M
Don’t you dare look at me with that come hither stare; I haven’t hithered in years.
me: how much is this cordless mouse?
pet store employee: that’s a hamster
Boy, your name must be Adobe cuz when you call me up for a date, I say “Ask me again later.”
Me: But what will I eat?
Nutritionist: *provides me with a list of healthy foods*
Me: But what will I eat?
My neighbors hurt some bystanders by illegally setting off fireworks. If only there had been a good guy with fireworks around to stop them
once I posted “it’s funny how ‘the Hague’ is like the only city that randomly decided to give itself a definite article” and everyone was like “don’t you live in Los Angeles”
me: well, you know, change is inedible
her: i think you mean inevitable
me: *spitting out several nickels* nope
[first day as a hacker] *puts ax down* i got inside their computer alright
[first date]
Him: What are you passionate about?
Me: *bats eyelashes* Taxidermy.
Him: Animals?
Me: Haha. Sure…
I’m sorry, I didn’t hear one word after you said, “pie chart”
Me: I prefer telling outside jokes.
Coworker: Don’t you mean inside jokes?
Me: Not to you
Shoe store employee on phone w/ wife: “Yea honey I should be home just in time for dinner”
*centipede walks in*
“You’ve got to be kiddin me”
4-year-old: Why does the dog pee on stuff?
Me: It’s like writing his name on it.
4: So I-
Boss: hey are those expense reports done yet?
[Me, frantically minimizing a Wikipedia tab on RABIES displayed on a 34″ ultrawide curved monitor]: no
*weather drops 2 degrees*
me: it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas
I know this is only our second date, but can I use your bathroom real quick?
Her: Of course…
*walks out 26 minutes later*
If I gave you a book for Christmas it’s due back at the library tomorrow
I’m sure I would have won that werewolf impersonation contest, if only the judges had survived.
Gentle reminder that you forgot to lock your door and I am in your living room
A brightly-colored van drives slowly down our street. Kids gather excitedly. It is the Edible Arrangements truck. We are all betrayed.
I bought an online course to improve my memory but forgot the password to access it
Normalize carrying a sheriff’s star around so you can deputize yourself to:
cut a line
veto your HOA
confiscate the Costco samples
arrest your in-laws
Hubby is trying to get it up…There we go…Ok now it won’t go down-oh there it goes…Shit, now it’s going back up!
Garage door is broken
The recipe said “prick with a fork,” but enough about me.
flight attendant: is there a doctor on board?
dad: *nudge* could’ve been you
a philosopher: *sigh*
flight attendant: we are going to crash and can either hit a field and kill 1 farmer or a runway and kill 5
dad: what