“I love you” can be the most beautiful words you can hear from someone you truly care about, next to “I got this round.”
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*growing up in a family of six kids*
Love you dad!
How many rum & cokes are too many after a couple Vicodin?
Asking for this EMT. He seems pretty interested.
Our ‘thoughts and prayers’ go out to all the vegans and innocent cabbages everywhere.
HI MOM. YOU’RE GONNA BE SO PROUD. I JUST WON AN ARGUMENT ON THE INTERNET. Sorry caps lock was still on from the argument. But I won.
How many zombies would Rob Zombie rob if Rob Zombie could rob zombies?
satan: [pulling me aside] hey we’ve had some complaints
me: about the laughing?
satan yeah [scratching horns] i gotta be honest a lot of the demons are creeped out
satan: you really shouldn’t be enjoying the torture this much
I tried to order a tomorrow from Amazon, but they refused, even though they guarantee next day delivery.
Imagine if the scientists who made Covid combined m-pox with disease x and made X-Pox. The variants could be X-Pox 360, X-Pox One, and X-Pox Series X/S
Columbus: Do you know why I pulled you over?
Me: Well–
Columbus: *just yanks me out of my car and drives off in it*
The way this woman squealed when getting proposed to is the exact same reaction I had when I found out the restaurant serves 3lb. lobster.
Being single isn’t always bad. Look at Kraft cheese for example.
Oh the things that I’d do* to that man
*stand in the corner awkwardly and hope he notices me and thinks I’m cute
Relationships are like houseplants, if they’re mine they die
COP: someone’s been cutting everyone’s christmas lights but not yours
ME: i have no idea why a crustacean- i mean person would do that
[my pet lobster Susan slowly puts her big pincer behind her back]
Irregardless, for all intensive purposes, I could care less
if ever got invited to the Grammys, I’d go dressed as the girl from The Ring.
If God didn’t intend for us to eat animals, he was probably really freaked out when we started
Wanna run through the forest, while I chase you with a flamethrower?
ME: What would you like to name your new cat?
KID: Dog.
ME: But it’s a cat.
KID: That’s the cat’s problem.
Friend: I feel like half of the country is upset about the election.
Me: (knowing how votes work) slightly less than half.
Not me, adding double spaces after a period to annoy my teen.
There’s a kid who we used to have round occasionally who is no longer welcome. Pathological liar and scheming little bully. Constantly involved in fights at school but none are ever his fault. He’s gonna end up in jail, hospital, Prime Minister or CEO of a big4 consulting firm
The last time anything got banged on my bed, it was my little toe against the leg.
I used to wait for hrs with my finger on the record button of a boom box after requesting a song on the radio. I’m familiar with commitment.
Follow your dreams
Eat that cake
Skip the ads
Cut your own hair
Dye it too
Go on the run
Dance in moonlight
Hold your loved one close
Steal their soul
Offer it to Cthulhu
Write a children’s book
Illustrate it too
Love yourself
I liked having a roommate because I could always tell myself she was sneaking my peanut butter & that’s why I went through it so fast. Then, I learned she has a peanut allergy. I’m moving out.
when I was little, I drugged the milk to catch Santa. Next morning I found my dad passed out on the stairs. Well played Santa..
[simba and nala sit atop pride rock staring at a beautiful sunset]
simba: *pulls engagement ring from his hip pocket* circle of wife amirite!
nala: where’d you get a hip pocket?
Slipping the bouncer a twenty and asking him to rough me up a little on the way out
*Buys world map*
*Pins map to wall*
*Promises to visit wherever dart lands*
*Throws dart at fridge*