My wife persuaded me to get a cat on the grounds they’re independent and take care of themselves.
Anyway, here’s a picture of me helping Bobby off the shed roof after he got stuck. Again.
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My skin is so dry that I can’t tell if it’s kidding.
*looks up from phone*
Great, I’m inside of a coffin again.
Me: I’m an atheist. Nothing is on purpose. Nihilism 4eva
Also me: *sees my birthday numbers anywhere* this is a sign.
When someone says they were shook, I presume they meant as a baby.
[stepping out of time machine] shit I forget why I came to this year
“It looks like you’re in the middle of a workout.”
– My passive-aggressive Apple Watch as I walk across a parking lot to my car
no, i mean. its great toast. i just didnt expect it to be french
Him: Do you gamble?
Me: I don’t even sneeze without crossing my legs.
[playing hangman]
wife: Pick a letter
son: Does it have to be from the alphabet?
me *gets up*
*sound of his college fund jar breaking*
The wasps relocated from the grill to the patio umbrella. Someone needs to talk to them about their life choices but it’s not going to be me cause they can sting you over and over and My Girl you and then go on with their lives like nothing
[About to have sex]
Girl: Do you have a condom?Me: Yeah
*bird screaching*
Girl: I said condom not condor
Me: *taking condom from bird’s beak* Good boy Rory.
Me: Don’t you feel stupid now?
It’s so cute how you think wearing that cross around your neck exempts you from being a reasonable human being
God: so you shoot them with the arrows
Cupid: yes
God: and then they fall in love
Cupid: right
God: with other compatible people
Cupid: uh well-
God: who will love them back
Cupid: sure
I want to study goat psychology and write a book called, “Honey, I shrunk the kids.”
Surprised Scarlett Johansson didn’t leg sweep Travolta, throw him over her should onto his back and put her foot on his throat.
John Hammond: omg all the systems in Jurassic Park are down, give me advice
Ray: fine well you probably shouldn’t have opened this place. Actually I think your wife left because-
Me: A storm is coming
My wife: Do you have to say that every time our kids wake up?
If you’re gonna get on Mastodon, I would like to apologise in advance for being the guy responsible for posts being called “Toots”. I thought it was funny. And it is, and it’s even funnier that some people hate it. I take it back, I’m not sorry. Ha ha. Toots.
A remake of The Ring, except it’s Jeff Goldblum joyfully crawling out of your TV.
I dated a girl that wore a mood ring. When happy it would be a pretty blue colour. When she was mad it made a big oval mark on my forehead.
In what is potentially a gross misunderstanding of Christmas in general, my 2.5yo has hidden her wallet ahead of Santa’s arrival.
I forgot the word “umbrella” so I offered to share my roof on a stick.
Everyone’s a gangster until the grocery store switches their aisles around.
My Fitbit thanked me for not making him work nearly as hard as the other Fitbits.
After 10 missed calls in a row, I’m tempted to answer the phone just so I can find out who wants to be murdered.
Why do they have to make things childproof when I’m still functioning at a kindergarten level of dexterity
“Grandpa, I can’t stop thinking about Santa’s sack.”
Me: Aww, sweetie. Run along now. Grandpa has to put that on the internet.
PSYCHATRIST: wat do u see
ME: a rorschach test
PSYCHATRIST: and this one?
ME: a inkblot used to test my psyche
PSYCHATRIST: (starts sweatig)
[This zoom meeting I’m in right now]
“AI is coming for your jobs” I’d like to see AI get absolutely no work done and then throw their coworker under the bus as soon as their boss asks about it