No thank you free mattress on the side of the road, I prefer to get my crabs the old fashioned way, by sleeping with complete strangers.
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Which cellphone carrier drops the most calls? I need to get one for my mom.
I gave my cat a middle name today, so she knows when she is really in trouble.
Ate a moldy blueberry.
Thought of you.
I wish my kid could throw a ball on the field as well as he throws a ball at something breakable in the house.
spoke to a 93 year old retired english teacher earlier and she stopped me mid conversation to say “please don’t end your sentence with a preposition” ok! i actually don’t know what that is
(Watching the new James Bond Trailer)
Daughter 9: Wow. There is so much reckless driving happening here….
Baby Carrot Factory Foreman: “Carrots are nice, but how about we pour a cup of water into each bag too?”
i asked my dad to send me a photo of his passport and he sent me a photo of the front of his closed passport
Anyone: “Hey, I’m close to your house.”
Me: “Get away from it.”
I’m just playing devils avocado here
Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?
You smell of bins.
[first date]
Her: The menu is in French.
Me: Allow me to order for you.
Her: Sure.
Me: Mÿ dâtę wòûld líkê thé chėésëbûrgęr, plæsê.
“Dude! You rock!”
– stated excitedly“… You stone! You worse than senseless thing!”
– held back 93 times out of 100
me: *cracks knuckles*
bully: let’s do this
me: i would but i’ve just broken my hand
Are 19th Century menstrual pads called period pieces?
I keep getting blocked by my old math teachers on Facebook for messaging them stuff like “remember when you said I wasn’t always gonna have a calculator in my pocket”
Whoever invented crustless pot pie clearly didn’t know why people eat pot pie.
*Interrupts your meltdown*
Where do you keep the good snacks!?
Guy: Why does everyone call you “Gross Gary”?
Gary: [filling a canteen with hotdog water] Nobody calls me that.
ME: *hugging my therapy dog* i love you so much
THERAPY DOG: same time next week and i’ll make a note to continue our boundaries discussion
[cocktail party]
BARTENDER: *pointing at me* Mai Tai?
ME: no, it’s mine…it came with the suit.
Single people at the grocery store are without a care in the world as if they don’t have to worry about bringing home the wrong yogurt
me: i wish for good health, to be rich, and finally….for your freedom
therapist: once again i am not a genie but you being here is starting to make more sense
Man: I’ll have the steak
Waiter: And, for your side?
M: Oh, no, not tonight. This is my wife with me.
leatherface: cmon, we’re gonna be late!
pinhead: *putting in one pin at a time* this doesn’t just HAPPEN you know
leatherface: you look fine
suddenly remembered when I explained updog to my father and he didn’t even blink, just said “oh, we had something like that when I was a kid, a henway”
“what’s a henway?”
“about five pounds”
[Wife sweeping up all the dog hair into one big pile and answers the phone]
30 seconds later…
Kid: Look mom fur angels
Excuse me sir, your feet look very much like mice and I would like to murder them please.
~ my cats
if you stab somebody “over a chicken sandwich” you were destined to stab somebody over something, someday. on this day, the wheel of fortune just happened to land on delicious chicken. don’t blame the chicken, baby.
I just said “Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary. Bloody Mary” to the mirror hoping that I’d have someone new to talk to