The Moon: *exists*
People: It’s your fault I stole a police horse and rode it naked through the Montgomery Ward that one time![]()
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[my future self comes back in time]
HIM: here’s every sports score for the next 20 years
ME: great, thanks for ruining the games for me
Some girl I don’t even know has been telling people that I’m her boyfriend. I’m flattered but I prefer to be the psychotic one in the relationship.
Tracklist for Donda 2
1. I hate Pete Davidson.
2. Did I mention that I hate Pete Davidson.
3. Cancel Pete.
4. I hope Pete Davidson has a really awful day.
5. I still hate Pete Davidson.
6. Kim come back.
7. I really hate someone with the initials P.D
Adding pasta water to my cereal to make the milk stick.
Turns on air conditioner
air conditioner: I have a boyfriend
My neighbors planted an eggplant next to their peach tree.
It’s like their very own dirty emoji garden.
shoutout to Disney for giving me unrealistic expectations about love, talking animals and my singing voice
I’ve never “hopped on a call.” I’ve trudged begrudgingly towards my webcam like a prisoner walking the plank
Mechanic: Your car won’t pass inspection.
Me: Here’s $20 to look the other way.
Mechanic [looking the other way]: Your car won’t pass inspection.
*boss puts arm around Alan*
Look out that window, Alan. What do you see?
“Um, chirping birds?”
That’s right Alan. But why do they chirp?
“Because they’re free?”
No, Alan.
“Er, because they want guns?”
You’re goddamned right they want guns, Alan. That’s why we make guns for birds.
“Dad, I cant sleep.”
Dad: [enters chugging a Monster] SLEEP IS DEAD. GET A JOB.
“Dad Im seven-”
Me: Ok I’ll be back in 3 hours.
Boss: No, do it in your own time please.
Me: Ok I’ll be back in 12 Flinglongs.
If you ever need me, call me any time, day or night, and I’ll return your call when I get around to it.
yall want some gasoline milk
[5 hours into assembling a new bed for my kid] you’ll get used to sleeping on the floor in no time at all
Some people will always secretly hope that you fail. Not me. I’ll outwardly hope that shit.
Police found the neighbourhood paedophile shot in the head 27 times. Authorities ruled it the worst case of suicide in a decade.
An octopus is very cool because if Snow White and the Seven Dwarves were drowning, it would have enough tentacles to save all of them.
Last night my son got sick, so he went to his room to lay down. Could barely move and he looked horrible.
Half an hour later the ice cream truck comes down the street and guess who RAN to the door begging for ice cream 😂
“Son, you can practice the sex on holes in trees”
[next day]
“Where you going with that broom handle?”
“Checkin for squirrels”
[Chasing a dog on my bike]
Me *breathlessly* how is he reaching the pedals?!
At my age, “getting lucky” means being able to find my car in the parking lot.
[tries a new move during sex to keep things interested]
wife: did you just dab
Maybe your grandma covered her furniture in plastic because she was a murderer. You don’t know for sure.
*Approaches a guy reading “Catch Me If You Can”*
I love that book. The way he just *clenches fist* catches all those freakin’ cans.
Went on a family scooter ride. 4y/o asked to be carried the entire 3 mile experience.
Return home from the ride. 4 says “It’s so nice out! We should go for a walk!”
Toddlers don’t GAF.
i have an area in my backyard i call “the big stew” it’s a pit i dug where i dump old batteries, gas, household chemicals, and dr pepper. i stir it once a month
gf: where’s that parcel from
me: amazon
gf: what’s in it
me: *bleeding* piranhas
My toddler had a meltdown. I finally got her to use her words and she told me she doesn’t like the floor.
So. Yeah.