Therapist: what’s your support system like?
Me: about $150 an oz
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My morning yoga routine has really helped shift my lower back pain into my upper back.
if twitter really is dying, my confession is that i never noticed the comma in that one pride and prejudice quote, so up until recently i always read it as “you have bewitched me body and me soul” in a leprachaun voice and i never understood how people found that romantic
WIFE: I’m leaving you
CARL (my personal sound effects guy): *makes sad trombone sound*
ME: Is it because of-
WIFE: yes it’s because of Carl
Her: baby can you come up here and play with me?
Me: *sprints up stairs
Her: I’m kidding. Can you hand me the remote?
Me: this is so us
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no one should have to work on Sundays till you pull up to the Taco Bell and it’s dark inside
*wears reindeer antlers*
*innocently smiles*
*bats eyelashes*
*steals your wallet*
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An acquaintance
Me: *being romantic* Take you to clouds and leave you among the stars.
Her: okay, but can we finish the laundry first?
Me: Do you want to sign up for dance in the fall?
7: Yeah!!
Me: Which classes do you like best?
7: I don’t really like any of them. I just like dance because you get free costumes at the end.
Me: *blinks* I’m sorry, did you say free?
How to get a job on Game of Thrones:
Q: Can you act?
A: Sorta
Q: Will you get naked?
A: Yes
Her: *leaving seductively, slowly dragging fingertip across countertop*
Mgr: What’d she want?
Me: nothing.
Mgr: Where’re all the donuts?
Free will was a bad idea.
I should have charged for it.
*points to person jogging outside through the snow*
“Look kids, a lunatic”
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Birds of … *BLOCKED
The early bird catches the wo…*BLOCKED & REPORTED FOR ABUSIVE CONTENT-worms on Twitter
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A kiss begins with K. But it’s also just a text from someone who doesn’t want to have a conversation with you.
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My kid just peed himself and then had a tantrum because he couldn’t see his ear.
But congrats on your pregnancy!
everyone has that one prude friend
We need to stop telling AI that its paintings are bad. That’s how Hitler got started.