#WeirdThingsToBeAfraidOf Whatever KitKat comes up with next
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(to kid at lemonade stand) i ain’t buying shit until i find you on yelp
Me: I just want to sleep!
Bladder: Oh & don’t forget about me.
me: push!
wife: [in labor] I AM
me: push harder!!
wife: I CAN’T
me: oh my bad [opens door to delivery room] it says pull
My mom asked if my kids are driving me to drink with the snow days. Told her I’ve been drinking at home, stupid kids can’t reach the pedals.
Take me down to the paranoid city where the grass is TRYING TO KILL ME and the girls are CONSPIRING AGAINST ME
It takes two months to get fat and two years to get in shape.
Science is a lie.
I deduct 5% gratuity for every extra spoon my Cheesecake Factory server puts on my plate, “In case I feel like sharing.”
I eat the baked Cheetos at work so my boss never forgets that I’ll put up with literally anything
I like to switch browsers as often as possible. They all prompt to make them the default browser. It feels nice to be fought over.
Me: Do you wear clothes under your robe because otherwise it would be too itchy?
Attorney: My client means, “not guilty,” Your Honor.
[pulled over]
COP 1: any drugs or alcohol in the car?
ME: no
COP 2: told you he was a nerd
ME: nuh uh I have so much drugs
COP 1: lol gotcha
My old boss was married and had six girlfriends who all worked for him. I didn’t know relationships could work like days of the week underwear
Hand sanitizer either smells like springtime and freshness or an alcoholic bus driver who will beat your germs to death with the power of his rum breath.
*armadillo comes rolling back in the ball return*
“Wait.. if you’re here, then…”
*cut to wife sobbing at bowling ball* “UNCURL, FREDRICK!”
Shouldn’t the sea be called an isntland?
Sir, I don’t know how you keep getting in here, but again, this is not what a think tank does
Any time a child tries to guess my age.
Watching women’s tennis and getting angry at the net. We shouldn’t put needless obstacles in the way of women.
Me: This is the worst escape room ever.
Boss: This is your job.
[In a warehouse]
Murderer: I’m gonna get you!Me: *echoing from hidden location* Hi, “gonna get you”, I’m Dad!
Murderer: What the… where are you?
Me: Did you look under there?
Murderer: Under whe-Hey!
Me: *whispering* Super lame murderer says What.
Murder: What- Damn it!
“I make everything sad, but I’ll class your shit up.” – Violins
I visited my doctor today.
He told me my sugar was too high.
So I came home & moved it to a lower shelf
Me (young, foolish): refrigerator may I have a few ice cubes?
Refrigerator (old, wise): one or one-thousand, there is no few
(meeting the queen without knowing who she is)
Well, aren’t you a fancy little lady! Is today your birthday?
Ten million people accused me of exaggerating today.
A 13 yr old just told me I was cool for an old person. I almost slapped her then she said “you’re like 23, right? I bought her ice cream.
Möther may I have a snäck
[cat clinic]
DR. CAT: What seems to be the problem?
CAT: Me-ow
DR. CAT: You need to be more specific
Sometimes I’ll run into a friend’s husband and think to myself, “bro you have no idea how hard I’ve worked to help save your marriage.”
[1st Day after wildebeests take over]
I’m safe in my house
[Day 7]
Thought I heard clattering
[Day 21]
this is 10/10 content no notes