My kid asked me to please “be cooler” around his friends and l’m not even cool around MY friends so idk who he thinks he’s dealing with
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Coworker: “I hate when I forget to eat”
*Me, wiping peanut butter off of my eyebrows*
Not religious but been going through a hard time so lit a candle in a church today for the first time to seek help. 30 mins later a pigeon shat on my head
I would run in my flip flops, but I don’t want you to fall in love with me.
I never make my guests take their shoes off at the door because it takes them longer to get out when I want them to leave.
Pregnancy is so weird. It’s, like, “Who’s that in my belly? It’s Brad. He’s going to drive a used Buick one day.”
morpheus wrapping the red pill in a piece of cheese so i’ll take it
Why do people talking about legal matters use the term “in a court of law?” In the context of your very legal story, Karen, what the hell kind of court did you think I was imagining?
“Am I as bored as you are?” can be read backwards and still make sense.
Me: Why is the dog staring at the floor?
Wife: I’m baking cookies and she’s waiting for one to drop so she can eat it.
Me: [also now staring at the floor]
I trimmed all the bushes in the front yard to make my house look bigger.
My workout goals are simple: I’d just like to be able to get up off the floor without looking like a turtle trying to flip itself back over.
Biden: Maybe we make our own country and he won’t be invited
Obama: Joe
WB: We want you to play the Penguin.
Colin Farrell: OK.
WB: But you’ll have to wear a ton of uncomfortable prosthetics for long periods of time.
Farrell: Sure.*3 years later*
Farrell: I didn’t sign up for this.
Arnold Schwarzenegger glancing up excitedly and then looking away disappointedly multiple times while watching the intro to “Hey Arnold”
I saw some martial arts guy on TV do one of those spinning kick things and, honestly, it looked pretty easy.
What I’m trying to say is I need an ambulance.
Barber: ok that will be $900
Chewbacca: (chewbacca noise)
Hubs: Kids are still asleep! Know what that means?
Me: We have to be quick!
*Runs to the hidden box of Cocoa Puffs and pours 2 big bowls*
The problem with this world is that they just let anyone in.
Smoking will kill you. Bacon is bad for you.
But smoking bacon will cure it.
Girls need strong female role models may I suggest Godzilla she is a strong, confident woman that fights for justice and also breathes fire
In 1956, the US government exploded a nuclear bomb near bottles of beer to see if beer would still be safe to drink in the event of the nuclear apocalypse. Conclusion: at least you can still safely get drunk in a nuclear wasteland.
Based on the TV shows I watched as a kid I was expecting a lot more pies to the face by this point in my life.
I just got a text message asking me to rate my Anesthesiologist during last week’s heart procedure. I’m like, “How should I know?”🤦
GF told me she wanted to write her “biography” & I said “autobiography” & now there’s a chapter where I sleep at my place.
I’m eating cheese paired with cheese crackers because self-care is dairy important to me
Studies say people with high IQ are lazy. Of course I didn’t read the entire article.
Her: We can’t drive the car, it’s stuck in the mud… Doesn’t it help if you put something under the back tires?
Me: Are you volunteering?
I’m in New Orleans for the weekend. It must be tough to be a drunk in this city, I’ve yet to encounter a level sidewalk
Date: you know that was just a filter, right?
Me: *upset she’s not part puppy* it’s fine, I’m fine
I was going to learn to play the violin, but it was too much of a commitment.
I wanted something with no strings attached.