That awkward moment when someone asks if you’ve dyed your hair and you say no, its just clean.
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#TwitterWouldBeBetterWithout my’s actual footage of me finding out she’s found my account..
Dang, my 250 million year old salt has expired
Santa keeps a pair of mounted antlers over his fireplace to keep the reindeer from unionizing.
“I do law stuff” – attorney general
“I serve as the chief legal adviser to the Crown and the Government”
– attorney specific
I can’t afford Ugg boots, so I just never shave below the knee to create the illusion that I’m wearing them.
Escape rooms because why sit in your house with your kids when you can pay someone to lock you in a room with them and force you all to solve puzzles
Are 19th Century menstrual pads called period pieces?
keep your friends close but your smartphone closer
70 percent of parenting is sounding like a Scooby-Doo villain when you tell your spouse, “And I would have been able to get to those dishes if it weren’t for those meddling kids!”
Pro-tip: if any family members ask how you’ve been spending the last two years and if you’ve learned a new hobby, maybe gloss over that story about finding out how many plums you could fit inside of yourself before doctors had to get involved.
My girlfriend told me I was getting sex today. Oops. I better not jinx it.
*knocks on morning wood*
Is your GPS supposed to sigh before it says “Recalculating”?
Me: I try to avoid working out while on vacation.
Also me: [lugs seven beach chairs, five umbrellas, a cooler, a bag containing snacks and 13 bottles of sunscreen, and a cornhole set down a half-mile down to the beach through eight inches of soft sand]
Mortal Kombat Announcer: FINISH HIM
Scorpion: it helps if u choke me a little
looking for a job in america is kinda wild
There are four golden girls and four teenage mutant ninja turtles but I bet you’ve never asked yourself why we never saw them all together in the same place
Someone is selling a rot iron table on Craigslist ..wonder If they would trade for a dictionary
expecting to live rent-free in my mind? good luck being homeless
Here’s a little song about post-Christmas cleanup it’s called “Where the Hell Are We Going to Put All This Shit” and a one and a two
Me: The enemy launched a missile, sir
Sargeant: What’s the point of impact?
Me: Because otherwise there’s no boom, sir
corny joke guy that everyone hates: “whats the difference between a piano and a fish? you can tune a piano but you cant-
me: *pulls out my perfectly tuned sardine harp and begins to play Pantera’s “Cowboys From Hell”
[start of interview]
Me: hi sir nice to meet you *i go to shake is hand but spill his coffee everywhere*
Interviewer: …welcome to BP
Disappointed a milkshake is just called a milkshake in the UK. I would’ve guessed it was something real perverted like a curd sweetie or lovie cream
If your neighbor has wind chimes, you have wind chimes.
My dancing style can best be described as “newborn gazelle being chased by lion.”
After reading some marriage tweets I’m beginning to suspect we all may have been married to the same person.
Professor, clearing his throat:
“With the loss of cursive writing in the schools, it no longer became possible to effectively write on the snow in urine (urine being a single stream medium). Thus another level of achievement in English-speaking culture was lost forever.”
HER: I have something I want to tell u
ME: me too
HER: *smiles coyly* same time?
ME: sure
HER: 1,2,3 I LOVE YO-
Most Unsafe Christmas Toys:
Fisher-Price My First Deep Fryer
LEGO Chewables
Nicotine Patch Dolls
Barbie’s Poorly Wired Dream House